I B.C'ed (Big Chopped) my hair on July 22, 2010 and it's been an fascinating journey so far. I decided to do the B.C., mainly because I was getting tired of relaxing my hair. It had become more expensive and I noticed hair-loss at my temples. I started to wonder if the chemicals in the relaxer was causing my hair loss? What is in the relaxer? What did my natural hair look like? How would I get my hair relaxed in China? Why am I relaxing my hair in the first place? I had no answers to any of the questions, so I decided to do some research on natural hair. And the rest as they say was history.
The best thing about having natural hair is the freedom. I "listen" to what my hair wants and learn more about it each day. The thing that really surprises me, is how soft and tightly coiled it is. I had my hair straightened for so long that I never imagined that it could be so curly. I'm re-learning everything, which is/can be annoying at times, but necessary to having healthy hair. My relaxed hair was extremely dry and flaky. It's hard to be confident and carefree with itchy scalp. Now, I'm reading shampoo and conditioner labels throughly and asking questions, something I would've never done before.
The biggest difference from two months ago and now is my attitude. Doing my hair before was a chore and now it's just a blessing to have healthy hair.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My Hair Journey in China...
I haven't posted in quite a while, but I'm back and I will try to post once a week!
Everyone has asked about my hair and China, so here it goes. Once I settled into my new apartment, I realized that I needed to get back to co-washing my hair every two days and shampooing twice a week because of the heat in Nanchang. We've had humid high 90 (almost 100) degree weather since I've been here. With all the running around we've been doing (residency permits, photos, getting to know you dinners, etc.) my hair was tired, dry, and flaky. Once I started my regimen again, my hair started to look like its normal happy "self". I haven't been putting too much gel in my hair, partly because I don't want to waste it. China is a wonderful country but you won't find any black haircare products. If you did find something, you wouldn't know what's in it, unless you can read Chinese characters (which I can't). I brought enough of everything, but I just want to make sure that I'm not using too much of one thing, before I can have more items shipped from the States.
No one has said anything negative or positive about my hair. A lot of the women that I've seen so far have all different types of hairstyles( I'll take pictures to show everyone). I'm learning to "listen to what my hair wants". If it's itchy is time for a "poo", if it's dry time for a deep conditioning treatment, etc. All-in-all, I think I'll be fine as long as I have good products and a good regimen to see myself through.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Carol's Daughter Product Review
Hey Wonderful People! It's been a while since I've posted anything, life keeps getting in the way of writing, but I'm back! I've decided to do a product review, since I hadn't done one yet, and because it hopefully helps anyone who's thinking about buying the product!
I have Hair Milk, Healthy Hair Butter, and Black Vanilla Leave-in Conditioner.
1. My hair really loves the Black Vanilla, which keeps it shiny.
2. Makes my hair soft.
1. It doesn't moisturize my hair like I thought it would. It keeps it shiny though. I have to keep applying to my hair because it still feels dry.
2. EXPENSIVE! Hair Milk (depending on size 2-10 oz) $9-$20 , Black Vanilla $12 for an 8 fl oz, and Hair Butter (depending on size 4-8 oz) $10.50-$16.50. I really cannot afford to pay for CD products on a foreign teacher's salary.
3. The Hair Butter and Hair Milk have a watery consistency, feels like pouring water on my hands.
4. Strong scent. I love the smell but after a few hours I feel like a walking Scent Shop.
5. Hair Milk promises to control frizz....doesn't on my hair.
I'm not trying to knock CD products! I just really really wanted CD to work for me, but I'm starting to realize that my hair isn't feeling it! All-in-all, I'm still learning about what my hair likes and dislikes. I'm just excited to try different products and see what happens.
Tip for other Broke-Newly Naturals: Buy a smaller size, just in case your hair doesn't like it! You won't break the bank or later cry because you spent 20 bucks on something that didn't work for you. Try to trade with another newly natural, who doesn't like the products that they bought either. That way, you really haven't lost anything.
If you have any tips to share, feel free to comment!
I have Hair Milk, Healthy Hair Butter, and Black Vanilla Leave-in Conditioner.
1. My hair really loves the Black Vanilla, which keeps it shiny.
2. Makes my hair soft.
1. It doesn't moisturize my hair like I thought it would. It keeps it shiny though. I have to keep applying to my hair because it still feels dry.
2. EXPENSIVE! Hair Milk (depending on size 2-10 oz) $9-$20 , Black Vanilla $12 for an 8 fl oz, and Hair Butter (depending on size 4-8 oz) $10.50-$16.50. I really cannot afford to pay for CD products on a foreign teacher's salary.
3. The Hair Butter and Hair Milk have a watery consistency, feels like pouring water on my hands.
4. Strong scent. I love the smell but after a few hours I feel like a walking Scent Shop.
5. Hair Milk promises to control frizz....doesn't on my hair.
I'm not trying to knock CD products! I just really really wanted CD to work for me, but I'm starting to realize that my hair isn't feeling it! All-in-all, I'm still learning about what my hair likes and dislikes. I'm just excited to try different products and see what happens.
Tip for other Broke-Newly Naturals: Buy a smaller size, just in case your hair doesn't like it! You won't break the bank or later cry because you spent 20 bucks on something that didn't work for you. Try to trade with another newly natural, who doesn't like the products that they bought either. That way, you really haven't lost anything.
If you have any tips to share, feel free to comment!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
My Regimen
This will probably change in a matter of days, but I'm going to tell y'all anyway!
Shampoo-ing: I haven't really figured out how much I should do this yet. My hair really likes the co-washing. If my hair feels gross, I'll "poo" otherwise, co-washing is my new bff.
Co-Wash Days: Co-Washing every other day with Organix Passionfruit Guava.
Finger comb and lightly pat dry. Apply Hair Milk by Carol's Daughter then mix jojoba, castor, and peppermint oils in order to seal in moisture. I can only go a day without co-washing my hair, any longer and my hair/scalp starts to revolt.
Deep Conditioning: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Deep Replenishing Conditioner. I leave it in my hair for about an hour. My hair was extremely soft and moisturized after using this, I will buy more. It also smells really really good!
Every other day: Wet with water then apply hair milk and seal with mixed oils (above).I made a spritz that I only used two days lol. It's made with water, jojoba oil, coconut oil, castor oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender essential oil, and aloe vera juice. My hair just wasn't feeling it, so I'm going to only use lavender, rosemary, aloe vera juice, and water and see how the works instead. Nighttime: Apply Hair Butter by Carol's Daughter and peppermint oil to seal. I put a silk cap on to protect my hair at night or when I'm laying down on a pillow (I try to anyway).
Styling: I've only used Isoplus Styling Gel for two days; I'm going to make my own hair gel later today (I'll let you know how it works out).
Combing: Once a week on a co-wash day.
Things I want to try: Honey as a deep conditioner, Olive Oil as a moisturizer, Shea Butter as a moisturizer/making my own shea butter moisturizer, and/or Giovanni hair line.
My tips: Put castor oil on your edges/ temples (if your hair likes castor oil). It helps it (your hair) lay flat and supposedly helps with hair growth.
Any tips to share? Let me know :)
Shampoo-ing: I haven't really figured out how much I should do this yet. My hair really likes the co-washing. If my hair feels gross, I'll "poo" otherwise, co-washing is my new bff.
Co-Wash Days: Co-Washing every other day with Organix Passionfruit Guava.
Finger comb and lightly pat dry. Apply Hair Milk by Carol's Daughter then mix jojoba, castor, and peppermint oils in order to seal in moisture. I can only go a day without co-washing my hair, any longer and my hair/scalp starts to revolt.
Deep Conditioning: Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Deep Replenishing Conditioner. I leave it in my hair for about an hour. My hair was extremely soft and moisturized after using this, I will buy more. It also smells really really good!
Every other day: Wet with water then apply hair milk and seal with mixed oils (above).I made a spritz that I only used two days lol. It's made with water, jojoba oil, coconut oil, castor oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender essential oil, and aloe vera juice. My hair just wasn't feeling it, so I'm going to only use lavender, rosemary, aloe vera juice, and water and see how the works instead. Nighttime: Apply Hair Butter by Carol's Daughter and peppermint oil to seal. I put a silk cap on to protect my hair at night or when I'm laying down on a pillow (I try to anyway).
Styling: I've only used Isoplus Styling Gel for two days; I'm going to make my own hair gel later today (I'll let you know how it works out).
Combing: Once a week on a co-wash day.
Things I want to try: Honey as a deep conditioner, Olive Oil as a moisturizer, Shea Butter as a moisturizer/making my own shea butter moisturizer, and/or Giovanni hair line.
My tips: Put castor oil on your edges/ temples (if your hair likes castor oil). It helps it (your hair) lay flat and supposedly helps with hair growth.
Any tips to share? Let me know :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
6 Week Healthy Hair Challenge

Techinques: Some websites suggest an 8x8 or drinking 8 glasses by 8 pm. Others carry a 64 ounce bottle and drink from that all day. I have a 23.7 ounce bottle and drink 3 bottles a day, which is comes to about 8.7 ounces.
Benefits: My skin is less dry, which has been a problem for me, especially around my mouth. It's amazing what water can do for your skin. Since I'm drinking so much water, I really don't have a taste for anything else. I was a heavy iced tea drinker, last week I only had 3 cups all week!
Let me know how you make out! Check out http://naturalsunshine.ning.com/ for more information.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Reactions to the "Do"
"Wow, you cut your hair!!!!!!"
"You had such pretty hair."
"You've got that good hair...so it'll grow nicely, maybe."
"It's really reallllllly short."
"I have to get used to it."
A selection of the reactions from the people in my life. It was quite funny seeing/hearing their reactions to the new do. They were mostly surprised, partly because I only told a few people that I was doing a BC. The funniest comment was, "I have to get used to it". Its funny when someone else has to get used to your hair! I want people to have positive reactions about my hair, but its not necessary! I am confident in my decision to go natural because I did it for myself and because I truly love it. My hair feels healthier and looks better than it ever did relaxed! I can't wait to see how my hair looks it grows.
"You had such pretty hair."
"You've got that good hair...so it'll grow nicely, maybe."
"It's really reallllllly short."
"I have to get used to it."
A selection of the reactions from the people in my life. It was quite funny seeing/hearing their reactions to the new do. They were mostly surprised, partly because I only told a few people that I was doing a BC. The funniest comment was, "I have to get used to it". Its funny when someone else has to get used to your hair! I want people to have positive reactions about my hair, but its not necessary! I am confident in my decision to go natural because I did it for myself and because I truly love it. My hair feels healthier and looks better than it ever did relaxed! I can't wait to see how my hair looks it grows.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Mr. Sulfate, you devil you!

I decided to go to my local hair store and get some products for my natural hair (cue the wind storms). I walked into the store and they had a wide variety of products, I was immediately excited! I started to read the ingredients, low and behold my friend Mr. Sulfate was there. Every bottle I picked up (and I mean every bottle) had sulfate in it! I decided to keep looking anyway, because A) I needed some shampoo and B) they had to have something without sulfate, right? After another 15 minutes passed, I asked the owners if they had anything without sulfate in it. Reply, " HAHAHAHAH no we don't have that, goooooooddddd luck".
Needless to say, I left there without anything but an attitude! I still don't see the humor in my question. Maybe today is opposite day, where questions become jokes? You'll let me know won't you? Anyway, I headed to my local supermarket and found shampoo (and conditioner, yay) without sulfates or parabens (thankfully). It was a bit expensive, (picture above) but it was worth it if I don't like it, I'll try something new.
Moral of this story, always always always READ THE LABELS (and stay away from moody hair store owners before you catch a case)! Anyone have any tips or similar stories? Please share, I could use a good laugh!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My BC!

Hey! I'm Amanda,I'm 22 and now I'm natural!
This blog is dedicated to my hair journey and for others that are going through the same process! I'll probably dedicate it to beauty as well, because let's face it, we are all BEAUTIFUL!
I decided to do the BC because I was tired of my relaxed hair! I looked at old pictures of myself and noticed that I had the same style from middle school to until my College Graduation! I had no clue how to take care of my relaxed hair (and didn't want too). I wanted something new that I could take care of and be excited about.
I went to a Salon for my Big Chop! I'm so happy that I did because it looks great! I think if you're going to do the BC, you should to a least talk to a hairstylist or someone else that is going natural. I also watched a lot of Youtube videos and started following natural haircare blogs and websites. Do some research before you start!
So the natural journey begins....stay tuned.
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